Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Quagmire on the Ground ... Grounded in the Mind

It seems to me that these Neocons have taken terrorism, which was a manageable threat and by ignoring Clinton's warnings, escalated it through hyping nonexistent threats, through denial of existing ones, and through bad policy even more badly implemented, raised it to heights unimagined before they came to office.

In the Arab world, before the 'Project for a New American Century', Islamists were clearly a threat, but minor and sidelined in terms of broad public support. With Bush's mono-dimensional PNAC foreign policy, Islamists have been able to lever the huge, heavy, colossal power of the west to do its bidding.

The Islamist goal of a Pan Arab theocracy required the destablization of monarchies and secular regimes in the Middle East, for their project to have any possibility. Since they themselves lacked sufficient direct influence to bring this change about, they needed something or someone else to help them do it ... Enter an adolescent heroic archetype, a 1940's cinematic version of a western sheriff in the form of Jr. ... apparently too irresistible an image for the MSM.

However, out maneuvering the USA, Islamists have not only been able to create a destablized environment they can exploit, but also have been able to provide a 'good/evil' story line, where even moderate Muslims who do not support a radical Islamist theocracy, can still see the west as wrong, if not evil ... and to add ironically to tragedy, inflicted this storyline on the land where advertising is king. For the Islamists, it is indeed "Mission Accomplished"

One of the many justifications for the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, and for staying now, is the prevention of destablization and greater radical Islamist influence in Iraq and the Middle East. However, these justifications are now even more valid AFTER Neoconservative 'PRE-ventative' intervention. This regressive slide into a debacle, has concurrently now exhausted military options, as well as US public and world trust.

'Situations' such as this, often get the mind thinking in 'What if?' terms.

'What if Afghanistan had been effectively provided actual governance and economic development, before the Taliban had 4 plus year to re-establish themselves?' What if initial efforts had begun to altered the kind of poverty and exclusion from politics, that breeds the rational for radicalism?' 'What if', this 'o-mission' had been noticed while reconstruction was still possible?

But was exclusive Coalition 'Reconstruction' (grimy enticement and punishment offered up from the 'morality' of the 'Values Guyz') ever really an option in the Neocon tool box ... except as a means to obscene corporate profits?

Aside from the facts 'on the ground' that support this question, isn't it the neocon 'compassionate social mind' that wants to punish the disadvantaged, to 'awaken' them to their own responsibility, for the conditions of their poverty at the bottom of the capitalist pyramid? It is the sort of mind that now demands that Iraqis take responsibility for the chaos unleashed by the USA when it removed an existing social order (however troubled it was), and not replaced it with another (sans any US accountability for doing so).

'What if' , BEFORE incompetent implementation of negligently created policy, Bush had listened to Clinton and eliminated Bin Laden?

'What if' the MSM had dealt investigatively with Bush's 9/11, or with forces in the Middle East, as opposed to providing infotainment? 'What if' the MSM had provided actual facts around the Bush foreign policy, in other than talking points and public opinion polls that measure their dissemination? Would we now be in this position where we can NOT leave Iraq without creating catastrophe, while we can NOT stay in Iraq without furthering chaos?

To complicate matters, if Juan Cole is correct, we now have the Baker-Hamilton Commission attempting to create a realignment of the Administration's Middle East policy, with a return to a Bush Sr. orientation towards the Sunnis (Saudi Arabia in particular, and which would now also include Syria).

Whether that is so or not, it appears Jr. is attempting to prop up the Iranian aligned Shia government of Maliki, while being unwilling to accept Iranian involvement or victory as a consequence ... Is this even rational?

If NOT, is the MSM contributing to the hopelessness, from the apparent lack of 'viable options', by treating Jr's 'rhetorical re-tooling' of his 'stay the course' to 'success', as rational?

It seems clear at least up until now in the MSM, almost nobody in positions of effective responsibility are willing to make real contextual sense of the Administration's policy and actions. Up until now, everything was formed in faux values, with faux story lines. For example, the MSM ignored the interchangability of justifications for War, replacing one another virtually without any real accounting, and simply keying in on the 'new campaign' slogans ... Truly Orwellian!

But at some point, public pressure however it is constructed and however it is informed, will come into play in Iraq - just as the lack therefore allowed certain political options to be viable for the Neocons, going in to Iraq. It will again bring its influence to bear and allow another limited range of options, Bush's stubbornness included.

In part, this pressure will emerge from its own Green Zone like, MSM experience. It will be limited by a MSM intellectual environment, already polluted by its refusal to step outside the 'protective' walls of rhetorical talking points, to provided sufficient investigative facticity to allow for much more than the odd incursion into informed debate, from the periphery.

We also see the Democratic Party, victorious after running a no platform campaign, struggling to come to grips with its 'NOT (R)' mandate, attempting to create policy and direction out of the ambivalence it nurtured in the mid terms.

Is this a public 'informed' by a MSM, as well as a Party, with insufficient 'command' of facticity to extricate themselves from the simplicity of rhetorical talking points? Are they too mired in this (and therefore their own), intellectual quagmire ... too stranded in faux Values, addressing faux events, and so only capable of seeing and supporting faux options?

If so ... one wonders where the events in the Middle East will stagger too next, if this is where public pressure and alternative policy emerge from ...



KEvron said...

"raised it to heights unimagined before they came to office."

when not catching rats, the rat catcher raises them.

"victorious after running a no platform campaign"

ya' know....

until recently, i found myself almost falling for this charge. but it's occured to me that the charge isn't a fair one; our legislative does not determine foreign policy, the executive does that. the most influence the legislative could have at this point would be in the appropriations committees, and then only if they achieved a majority. "give us the majority and we'll obstruct the money" is hardly a winning platform.

it's ironic that the apparent (it's not as if voters across the nation decided to vote in concert, after all!) national mandate seems to support the charge. but all politics being local, the dems, with their "fifty state" strategy, managed to win at local levels by appealing to local constituents' concerns.

whether or not i appreciated the candidate from rhode island's platform is irrelevant; the voter in ri did, and that's why he won.


Red Tory said...

Good summary of the problem. Depressing, but that’s to be expected. In my opinion there’s not much point in going into the “what ifs” because it’s such a calamity of errors from start to… well, they’re not even finished yet, are they? Still plenty of room for more tragic mistakes to be made and given the Bush administration’s almost uncanny ability to draw the wrong conclusion from any given set of facts, I have no doubt more grief is ahead.

Snerd Gronk said...

KEv: until recently, i found myself almost falling for this charge. but it's occured to me that the charge isn't a fair one ... all politics being local, the dems, with their "fifty state" strategy, managed to win at local levels by appealing to local constituents' concerns.

SG: I think I agree with you objection, sorta ...

Drawing 'global' conclusions about electoral results seems to me like pinning the 'tale' on the donkey ... in a room full of donkeys, where we each have 'a donkey in the hunt', as it were ... Whewww! Almost got jammed up with a mixed metaphor there.

I think both levels of analysis have some validity. I think the electorate was voting away from the (R)z AND they needed a reason to do so locally.

I also think the (D)z without any clear visionary policy, or leader, made the correct choice, which was 'provide no diversionary targets for the (R)z'.

While contributing to their elevation to 'political relevance' (i.e. power), having run a 'disciplined, rudderless' campaign, it has presented them the difficulty of building one at sea, now that they have slipped the more 'comfortable' moorings of irrelevance.

Finding direction amid the (R)hetorical and the 'real' is their task at the moment. Defining that to the public will be their next. In so doing I feel they have to also drive a stake through the heart of Neocon ideology, rather than simply allowing it to implode.

Implosion leaves it alive ... leaves it to argue 'incompetently administered policy' rather than having to accept responsibility for the insanity of their policy, itself (PNAC, preemption, 'turning the corner', 'VooDoo economics', the 'Uniter-Divider', cronyism, etc.).

Navigating towards 'reason' and 'declaration' will have them negotiating the shoals of Fundamentalism (from ideological entrenchment to poorly formed conceptualization) and Postmodernism (the 'mind of advertisement', which knows how to reach beyond reason - thus sidelining its relevance - and touch archetypes in each of us, ironically the fundamental), AND all this through the medium of MSM, its corporatist intentions aside for the moment or what one might call the ideal of the 'Putin press', the MSM is a medium which enjoys the simply 'image', one that seems to transcend explanation or not need it in the moment ... Finesse with the medium will be a prerequisite, therefore.

Their work is really cut out for them. Maybe they need a break ... some archetypal figure of their own to carry the message, for 'reason' to have any 'hope', ironically.

The task is to construct a reality that changes the 'reality' the (R)z have devolved, when killing the multilateral world and our attempts to find a way to live together ...

As always KEv, I really appreciate your input ... here, in your blog and when I trip across little nuggets elsewhere on the internets highwayz ...


Snerd Gronk said...

REd: not much point in going into the “what ifs” because it’s such a calamity of errors from start to… well, they’re not even finished yet, are they? Still plenty of room for more tragic mistakes to be made ... I have no doubt more grief is ahead.

SG: An astute assessment REd, I think.

The 'victory in Iraq' has not occurred with the midterms, alone. Just as in the end of WWII, the allies still 'retained' the possibility of loosing the war, 'we' will have that option available ... err ... once we're in that ascendancy, too !

The midterms are not the end, or the end of the beginning ....

And as an aside, just as with KEv, I very much appreciate your presence on the 'blog-goes-fear', REd


KEvron said...

"when I trip across little nuggets elsewhere on the internets highwayz"

i've been trolling like a motherfucker for the last week or so. and not very cleverly, either, i have to admit. to wit:

seth and ken have no compunction when it comes to calling lefties "jew haters" and such, so i've been telling them they are absolutely correct about us, and that there's nothing they can do about it. not very subtle, but going smokeless has put me off my game.

i'll get it back.


Red Tory said...

I’d love to see you apply your analytical brain to this nebulous concept of “Victory” I keep hearing about, especially as it relates to a tragic clusterfuck like Iraq.

Snerd Gronk said...

KEv: when it comes to calling lefties "jew haters" and such, so i've been telling them they are absolutely correct about us

SG: Fuck! Agreeing with their paranoid freekin', now that's nasty ... nasty but sumptuous.


eyedoc333 said...

Happy New Year, Snerd!